During the job application process, most of the employer conducts the verification process to verify the employment history. This is done to make sure that all the information in your resume along with career information is correct and accurate.
What is Included in Employment Verification?
The employment history includes the name of all the companies with which you had worked along with the duration, job titles, job role, salary earned, etc.
The employer or the company they hired to verify every single detail and confirm the information mentioned in a resume along with the reason you provided for leaving your previous job.
In some cases, employers can bar the information like verification of past salaries until and unless a new job offer is made.
Choosing Employment and Professional References
Generally, when you go for an interview, a form is handed in which you need to add certain information along with the reference details for each previous place of employment. Also, sometimes you need to add personal and professional references as well.
This is important as the reference person details matters a lot. The company will contact only that concerned person whose details you added.
Many candidates put a lot of time into creating their resume by fulfilling almost all the information but neglecting one of the references. But it is always good to think over this and put great efforts as you did in creating your cover letter.
While adding reference details make sure that the concerned person knows about your work and accomplishments, strengths and weakness, the way you handle pressure and lot more. The person you choose doesn't need to belong to the same department as yours, sometimes a member of another department wants to know about your potentials. So while mentioning reference details make sure that he will speak about your positive behavior.
Generally, there is a need to enter three to five references who know about your accomplishments, work ethic, skills, education. If you hold a good experience then you can add a reference to your supervisor and co-workers with whom you worked in the past. For freshers or college students, it is good to add references from internships and volunteer work.
Verifying History of Employment
The verification process begins once the job is offered or after a candidate accepted the job offer. This will help them in verifying the history that is provided to the employer.
The process is generally assigned to the HR or payroll department while in the big companies the third-party verification is common. This will help in offering assurance to the employers about your experience and qualification that you listed on your resume.
Any discrepancy between the information provided and the information obtained will offer you the opportunity to explain or otherwise the job is not offered or the offer will be withdrawn.
EmployeePast is the employee verification software that offers assistance to the company to verify employment history and their details. This offers them peace of mind and assurance that the person they have hired fits best for the job in every respect.
For more details, you can contact our team. We would love to hear from you and offer the software that offers you great assistance in the task.
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